So I said on Twitter not long ago I wanted to start posting pictures with no makeup on. I don't know how but I've fallen back into an unhappy place with myself again... (I've struggled with this for years due to events that have happened it my life) Everything has been about living up to standard of what everyone else would wanna see, every day I would get ready and I didn't feel 'pretty' if I wasn't all dolled up and that's not the person I want to be. Recently I've been feeling crappy even when I have all my makeup on and my hair done simply because I'm not happy with myself. No matter what anyone says to me, my boyfriend, family, friends or you guys I've just still been in such an unhappy place because let's face it, all that matters is what I think of myself. I'm happy with who I am as a person, I truly am but I've got addicted to what's not important again and I'm sick of living in self doubt. Of course makeup is a massive passion of mine, I'll never not love it but I refuse to wear it to cover myself up... I still need it to be art for me and something I just love. I was in such a happy place with myself around 6 months ago, I was so secure with myself and I want to be that girl again. I don't care about what people have to say about me anymore, I'm human... There's a person behind all the nasty things people say. From now I want to just enjoy life with no worries about how I look and without the worry about what others are going to say because there's actually more to life than looks, I was not put on this earth to worry about stupid things like looks... I'm here to enjoy life and that's what I'm going to do. Please don't say 'there's loads of people who would kill to look like you because its irrelevant because this is how I feel. I'm writing this post in the hopes it helps someone else that is making their life all about looks, we will forever be unhappy if we continue to be like this. - Jayde xo

jaydepierceさん(@jaydepierce)が投稿した動画 -

ジェイデ・ピアスのインスタグラム(jaydepierce) - 7月11日 02時10分

So I said on Twitter not long ago I wanted to start posting pictures with no makeup on. I don't know how but I've fallen back into an unhappy place with myself again... (I've struggled with this for years due to events that have happened it my life) Everything has been about living up to standard of what everyone else would wanna see, every day I would get ready and I didn't feel 'pretty' if I wasn't all dolled up and that's not the person I want to be. Recently I've been feeling crappy even when I have all my makeup on and my hair done simply because I'm not happy with myself. No matter what anyone says to me, my boyfriend, family, friends or you guys I've just still been in such an unhappy place because let's face it, all that matters is what I think of myself. I'm happy with who I am as a person, I truly am but I've got addicted to what's not important again and I'm sick of living in self doubt. Of course makeup is a massive passion of mine, I'll never not love it but I refuse to wear it to cover myself up... I still need it to be art for me and something I just love. I was in such a happy place with myself around 6 months ago, I was so secure with myself and I want to be that girl again. I don't care about what people have to say about me anymore, I'm human... There's a person behind all the nasty things people say. From now I want to just enjoy life with no worries about how I look and without the worry about what others are going to say because there's actually more to life than looks, I was not put on this earth to worry about stupid things like looks... I'm here to enjoy life and that's what I'm going to do. Please don't say 'there's loads of people who would kill to look like you because its irrelevant because this is how I feel. I'm writing this post in the hopes it helps someone else that is making their life all about looks, we will forever be unhappy if we continue to be like this. - Jayde xo


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