テヨナ・パリスのインスタグラム(teyonahparris) - 7月8日 02時01分

When #AltonSterling was murdered yesterday I didn't have the words to express the sadness I feel for this man's wife and 5 children. I didn't have the words to express the sheer anger I have towards a system that can't seem to protect all of its citizens (because it was never designed to do so). Then less than 24 hours later #PhilandoCastile was murdered while complying with police officers, giving full disclosure of a legally owned firearm, had his 4yr old child in the backseat(where she could have easily been hit by one of these bullets), and his girlfriend in the passengers seat. At that moment when all the blood left my face, and my stomach dropped all I felt was my anger turn to anguish. "All we ever did was be BLACK..." There is a continued assault on my people and a war against the black body and I'm fed up with this shit. That could be my brother, my Dad, my uncle, my loved ones! All Lives Can't Matter unless #BLACKLivesMatter.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



