ウィニー・ハーロウのインスタグラム(winnieharlow) - 7月8日 00時18分

?? #blacklivesmatter is not a movement of hate or segregation. It's a reminder to not only You but ourselves, our men, our women, or babies, that we MATTER! It's a movement of Strength and empowerment to my people that have been ridiculed, belittled, enslaved, beaten, and mercilessly murdered for Years upon Years. It's a message of hope that if you believe and show and stand for mattering, against all odds and all injustices, we will matter in a world that constantly shows we don't. I believe all lives matter but don't you dare turn a positive movement into a game. It's not just a hashtag, it is progression. Black girl; your hair does not wave like gold ribbons in the wind, because it grows like a crown to the sky. One does not have to be bad for one to be good, But we have been taught we are bad, we are ugly, we are not good enough the way we are. Black Lives Matter is a movement of recognition that we are Great, we are Beautiful and we are more than good enough just the way we are. Good bless those who have lost. We need support in our movement ?? #BlackLivesMatter ✊?✊?✊?


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