We should not have to scream, beg or ask to value our lives. This is a damn shame. we are tax paying American citizens. I have paid millions of dollars in taxes to provide for the things our country needs to keep it in order. My tax dollars pay for Police, I should not have to fear them. My children should not have to cry themselves to sleep in fear and in sorrow for their lives. You can't have a broken tail light? You can't sell cd's, you can't wear hoody? WHAT THE FUCK is going on?!?!? Actions speak louder than words and the actions of the our Police force is screaming #blacklivesdomatter to them. And this issue is going to take ALL AMERICANS to remedy this. This behavior starts with Blacks but it will advance to others. And I know the police have a hard job. Some of my best friends from childhood are Police. It's a scary job but their has to be more penalties for innocent lives taken. Fear and or hate is not a good enough reason to take a life. Protect and serve NOT KILL and keep shit moving. We need a reform, we need a peaceful resolution and a unified effort to stop what is the beginning of the end of blunt RACISM and a lack of value for our lives. The procedure protocol and penalty from citizen to officer must change. Stiff penalties jail time and even more severe penalties need to happen for cops who carelessly take lives. Enough of this. I would hate for the to be ANYONE of you no matter the color. And it will take people of EVERY COLOR to help right these wrongs. Can we all unify and agree on something? What is America if we as the tax paying citizens aren't safe. What is America of people of all colors can't come together to value any and all lives? Even in the comments can we please be united. Not everything is meant to be divisive. Civil rights is for all

marlonwayansさん(@marlonwayans)が投稿した動画 -

マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 7月7日 23時55分

We should not have to scream, beg or ask to value our lives. This is a damn shame. we are tax paying American citizens. I have paid millions of dollars in taxes to provide for the things our country needs to keep it in order. My tax dollars pay for Police, I should not have to fear them. My children should not have to cry themselves to sleep in fear and in sorrow for their lives. You can't have a broken tail light? You can't sell cd's, you can't wear hoody? WHAT THE FUCK is going on?!?!? Actions speak louder than words and the actions of the our Police force is screaming #blacklivesdomatter to them. And this issue is going to take ALL AMERICANS to remedy this. This behavior starts with Blacks but it will advance to others. And I know the police have a hard job. Some of my best friends from childhood are Police. It's a scary job but their has to be more penalties for innocent lives taken. Fear and or hate is not a good enough reason to take a life. Protect and serve NOT KILL and keep shit moving. We need a reform, we need a peaceful resolution and a unified effort to stop what is the beginning of the end of blunt RACISM and a lack of value for our lives. The procedure protocol and penalty from citizen to officer must change. Stiff penalties jail time and even more severe penalties need to happen for cops who carelessly take lives. Enough of this. I would hate for the to be ANYONE of you no matter the color. And it will take people of EVERY COLOR to help right these wrongs. Can we all unify and agree on something? What is America if we as the tax paying citizens aren't safe. What is America of people of all colors can't come together to value any and all lives? Even in the comments can we please be united. Not everything is meant to be divisive. Civil rights is for all


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