トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 7月6日 04時20分

I landed on the Tarmac, walked off the plane, and met a smart, fit man in his 60's. Never seen a Multi-Star General before.. Let alone talked to one. He led me to a table in the back of a large room. He leaned across the table and said "It was the Cold War, and we lived under the very real threat of Nuclear War every day... And somewhere in those years...We found a life-form." I said, "Sir, I need help telling young adults this story..." He said, "What do you need?"...."Advisors", I responded. "I need high-ranking Advisors in the Military, Intelligence and DOD to help guide me." So- I was given 10 Advisors, each with knowledge in different areas that pertain to UFOs and the very real National Security issues associated with them. I do wish the press would ask me about this, rather than write stupid headlines about Aliens... I have been given a gift, the ability to tell you all our biggest secret. It will come in books, feature films and documentaries. It's called SEKRET MACHINES. The first Novel is AVAILABLE at AMAZON and ToTheStars.Media


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



