アレクサンドラ・スタンのインスタグラム(alexandrastan) - 6月29日 18時39分

Turkey! Why? I feel so sad to hear this! I'm disappointed in people for still fighting and hurting themselves and others for money, power, land, hate, politics! I really feel like there's no more point in pretending that we live happily doing our small lives and jobs, when one day you wake up and you find out that some people blew themselves in the airport! Really I feel like my small life won't make no sense now! Please people WAKE UP!!! There's no need in fighting! #LOVE is the way! We can all be in light! Set yourselves free!! STOP VIOLENCE!!! Stop hurting you and others! We are here for those who suffered! Let's pray!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




