ネネ・リークスのインスタグラム(neneleakes) - 6月29日 04時44分

Hey Hunnies! I'm so unbelievably excited to welcome you all to THE FAB GAB. And yes, this site is exactly what it sounds like. It's a destination for us to come together and gab about pretty much everything. You know me, I'm an open book and nothing is off limits, and The Fab Gab will of course be a reflection of that. We'll talk beauty (plastic surgery, to have or not to have...), relationships (is your man cheating?), celebs (she wore what?!), fashion (you'll soon master the art of bargain shopping), interior design (just bought a new home and I'm now obsessed with decorating), anti-aging (because we all want to look eternally 30!), and female empowerment. I've joined forces with a team of talented writers to bring my vision to life, and I hope you enjoy reading everything as much as I do.

Y'all know I love hearing from you, so if there's anything you'd like to see more of, just leave comments on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and I'll be keeping an eye out so I can work with my team to bring you all the stuff you love! Check it out at THEFABGAB.CO NOT .com All my love Nene PS: I can't wait for you guys to try out the fab fab anti-aging products that will launch in the coming weeks! PSS: if you want to be a writer on the site, send your info to booknene@gmail.com


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





