ガス・ケンワージーのインスタグラム(guskenworthy) - 6月25日 08時03分

Just getting back from a truly remarkable week in Africa. As I mentioned before I left, the upcoming Olympic Games will be featuring a team made up entirely of refugees. Because of that, the Olympics brought me on as an athlete host for a documentary series that journeys into various camps and talks to refugees about their daily lives, their pasts and how sport helps them to find relief from their current situations. Although it ended up being a much more emotional experience than I anticipated, I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing, kind, inspiring people and to hear their stories. While I was in the Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda I got to play with the kids and partake in various sports with the refugees. The one resounding thing I heard them say, was that playing sports is their saving grace. They spoke of how free they felt when they were engaged in whichever sport was their sport and how they could channel their pain and frustration into their performance and use it to push themselves further. I can't wait to watch, and root for, the refugee team (in addition to the US team) at the upcoming games in Rio. ❤️


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