タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 6月20日 13時59分

So my husband and I are at our first detox spa @thegoldendoor no kids, no tvs, group dinners, robes instead of clothes, no alcohol, 5am hikes. The thought was overwhelming and made me quite anxious. After spending our first 7 hours here I already feel different. It dawned on me that we are living in such a fast paced world that we are loosing out on real interaction. We are drinking alcohol to feel better when I fact it makes us feel worse, we have stopped looking out at nature and spend our lives looking down on a device, watch mindless TV that doesn't feed our soul, eat out for the convenience instead of sustenance because cooking takes too much time... What are we living for??? What are we rushing towards?? I just spend the last hour in a hot tub with an 83 year old retired Washington Post reporter and it was the best conversation I've had all year...... @thegoldendoor is changing me. And I'm loving every mindful minute. @bottleandheels


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
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