ナーレ・フッカタイバルのインスタグラム(nalle_hukkataival) - 6月16日 01時26分

I'm finally starting to understand why people say 'good luck on your project'. We've been here in Rätikon for almost two weeks now and it's barely stopped raining during the whole time.

Last year I got close on a multi-pitch called WoGü climbing past both of the 8c pitches, with a wet section putting an end to it. This year we returned to take care of unfinished business, but the route hasn't been dry once in it's entirety. I've climbed every single pitch of WoGü, but have to leave without even getting to give the whole route an attempt this year. Such is alpine climbing, I guess.

Big thanks to @roland_hemetzberger for sticking it out despite the bad weather. Soon time for some more enjoyable weather in Africa!!!
? @alvipakarinen @scott_noy #liveclimbrepeat @blackdiamond @lasportivagram


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