アーデン・チョーのインスタグラム(arden_cho) - 6月13日 15時48分

"Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen in your life and you don't know why. But that doesn't mean you should stop trusting Him." - Christina Grimmie
Nothing can explain these senseless acts of violence happening all around us but I won't live in fear. I cried and said I wouldn't leave the house but that's not a way to live. Many people retweeted Christina's tweet and I was reminded I'm not alone. I will trust in the Lord and I will continue to pray. Christina may have been gun down for her faith but I admire her transparency and her boldness. We need more love. No more violence and hatred based on ones sexuality or faith. I know this is controversial but I'll say it anyways. Guns can protect us but they're getting into the wrong hands and yes "people kill people" but guns in the wrong hands kill people as well. I do believe we need strict gun control and background checks. They belong in responsible hands and trained hands. I don't think wiping guns completely is the solution because people will find a way to obtain guns illegally even if they're banned. But I do believe guns shouldn't be so easily accessible to those who are irresponsible or sick.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




