ジャスティン・ティンバーレイクのインスタグラム(justintimberlake) - 6月13日 04時34分

Last night - in celebration of pride- a group of people - people like you or me or your neighbors or family were dancing & listening to music & celebrating life, just like you or me or your neighbors would. And then, one man and his guns took that life away from them. That's cruel. And it's exactly against what America stands for. I try to make music that hopefully brings joy to people and makes people dance and makes people feel and makes people LOVE... Because there's nothing more pure and beautiful than that act- and the fact that that resulted in the largest mass shooting in American history leaves me heartbroken. I used to LIVE there. I hope we can wake up and realize we are ALL THE SAME. Just humans. One species. Just wanting to be LOVED.

#PrayForOrlando #MoreLoveLessHate


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