アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 6月5日 18時34分

#Sunset #ramadan and goodnight to a legend. #MohammedAli
Many people have used his death to say negative things about a man who avoided a fruitless and devastating war. I've been to #Vietnam - I've seen the devastation that STILL exists over 50 years later. If only our government made as smart a move as Mister Ali. But, in response to the never-ending and equally saddening racism against Muslims: Mister Ali 'may' have chosen his religion to avoid a mindless war, but the war in Vietnam has been over for quite some time, I do believe. If he or his faith was "a joke" (as I read by some people) and he "only believed to dodge the draft", he didn't really need to keep up the "charade" HIS WHOLE LIFE.
Here's a thought: (just hear me out) why don't we stop HATING and JUDGING so we can find happiness and peace as Mister Ali had found. What someone believes is their choice (provided they don't bring harm to others). Who am I or you or they to say what is right and what is wrong? PEACE is PEACE, however you are able to find it. -If you must... Support your wars and endless killing and pointless loss of lives but I promise you one thing, peace you will never have. So, to a legend who wasn't perfect, but who inspired, at times, irritated and certainly evoked remarkable change. Good night. May you truly rest in PEACE.


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