マット・マクゴリーのインスタグラム(mattmcgorry) - 6月5日 11時08分

**WEAR A WHITE SHIRT** for anyone coming out today. Join me and @blmlosangeles this Tuesday morning (6/7) in Pasadena (details below)
------ After months of targeting and harassment by Pasadena Police and the Los Angeles County District Attorney in Pasadena, Black Lives Matter organizer, Jasmine Abdullah, AKA Jasmine Richards, was convicted of attempted lynching, a conviction that carries a maximum sentence of four years imprisonment. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, Elaine Lu presided over the case. Read more here: http://bit.ly/1XSHoQC

From Sis Melina Abdullah: Want to know what you can do to help Jasmine Abdullah?

We need you to:
1. Pack the courtroom for her sentencing hearing: Tuesday, 6/7 8:30AM Pasadena Courthouse -- 300 E. Walnut.

2. Help build BLM-Pasadena and all SoCal chapters. Join us for an EMERGENCY MEETING THIS SUNDAY 7PM, Chuco's Justice Center.

3. Sign and circulate the "No Jail Time for Jasmine" petition (LINK IN BIO)

4. Donate to Jasmine's legal defense and/or books at www.crowdrise.com/blmla. Note "Jasmine" in your comments.

5. Use your voice, talents and resources to elevate Jasmine's case and cause…an end to state-sanctioned violence against Black people. #BlackLivesMatter "


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