Ruby Gloomのインスタグラム(ruby9100m) - 6月5日 04時06分

Just to remind all of u a terrible incident I experienced these two days, be careful of ur Instagram account! So this person @ lewishaytch hacked into my 77.4k IG account changed my pw and username. Then ask me to contact her to buy my account back. She asked for $20000USD. I don't hv the money and It's unfair she stole my assets and charged me money. I reset my pw and seek help from my old followers. I was thinking to restart all over again. Some people shouted me out and helped me to share my case and reported to IG. At the same time I seek for help from Instagram . The hacker gave me her personal PayPal account and I transfer her $0.01 to see her real name, which is Louise Greig. I tried 3 times from the email replies by IG and suddenly my account came back. Last but not least, I sent a very long email to Louise Greig hoping she would show sympathy but she didn't. From my story , I hope everyone of u pls make sure ur account is secure . And thank you so much to everyone who helped me and ring so sweet to me. I'm very glad I'm back and hope that Louise Greig u can quit hacking one day.


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