アーロン・ラムジーのインスタグラム(aaronramsey) - 5月30日 18時59分

@ポール・ブラックソーン, who I launched the Save the Rhino Vietnam T-shirt campaign with, has spent the last 10 days in Vietnam raising awareness about the use of Rhino Horn there.

He gets back today, the same day the T-shirt campaign ends.
Anyone buying a shirt (see Represent link below) today has their name thrown in the hat to win an Arsenal shirt signed by me and a Save the Rhino Vietnam shirt signed by me.

All proceeds to Save the Rhino International.

Thanks for your support everybody!! http://represent.com/savetherhinovietnam


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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