キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 5月30日 03時39分

Yes, I have my own personal pains connected to the history of who I am. But, I try my best not to take it personally and divide my self as a race or sex or human BEING. However, I can not ignore that separatism is what has allowed us to allow one another to sit still in so much ignorance. It is not fair that money is the defining factor of what you have access to. Especially when it's all about your perspective when you are trying to succeed in life. We all do not have the same opportunities and it has plagued us for centuries. We all have not had the access to perceive things differently .. However, we live in the age of the Internet. We can share our stories!! We can scream our pain and give light to the dark rooms of the pain that doesn't just affect one person but us ALL. Because, no matter how rich you are, as long as the rest of the world is hurting, it will find a way to make you hurt too. Be a beacon of light to your community! I don't have all the answers and I do not claim to. However, I do think it's time we start the dialogue and through that we can figure out a way to create change and be heard TOGETHER! I am listening! #WhatIsYourStory #WhenWeHelpEachotherWeHelpTheWholeWorld


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