Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月26日 22時11分

So @rick_hublot stopped by the house to check on the kids and talk some things over and brought Papa Bear a beautiful gift. You'll be super happy in the coming months when you see what we are working on. Baby Paris, since she Loves people, is the official representative of Tommy's Pride :)
@rick_hublot paso a saludar a los niños, a platicar unos temas, y a traerle a su servidor un regalito. Van a estar muy contentos en los siguientes meses cuando vean en lo que estamos trabajando...
@ウブロ #Hublot #blackjaguarwhitetiger @hautetime @r_rguadalupe #BabyParisBJWT After Paris Jackson


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