タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 5月25日 14時22分

I really don't think people expect what happens after you have a child. I know I didn't. Here's one of my favorite posts called "Things that happen after having a child that no one talks about" in the Motherhood, Stories section and here's an excerpt below: "You'll drink more.
You definitely won't have those bender nights. Actually come to think of it, you'll never actually get "drunk again. The threat of your child deciding that they want to wake up at 5 am and recite every character of their Mickey Mouse pop up book to you is enough to never drink more than 2 1/2 drinks ever again. That being said, you'll find having that one glass of wine in the afternoon or at dinner is something that you do more times than you want to admit. Ummm folks... HAVE THAT GLASS. IT'S OK! At some point you'll stop beating yourself up for actually enjoying something adult. Something that doesn't involve Dora or mud pies or Old McDonald and you'll relax. And maybe you'll find the funny in the fact that your daughter just put her wooden popsicle stick down the toilet and flushed it or that your watch has been missing for two days and you have a sneaking suspicion it was in the diaper pale that was just thrown out. Have that glass of wine. You deserve it." Read the rest on www.bottleandheels.com #bottleandheels @bottleandheels


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