キム・リーのインスタグラム(kimlee) - 5月25日 09時37分

Throwback memories of me on Amazing Race Vietnam ( Cuoc Dua Ky Thu) I mean forget about being pretty . I was sweating fighting with my teammate cause he was so slow! ? I probably did everything I wouldn't do in life on this show but it was an amazing experience. We had to eat 9 bowls of Pho, ran up the stairs and I'm talking about 49 levels but lil do they know I'm a beast cause I train at the Santa Monica Stairs everyday. Had to carry this huge ass snake around my neck ? then when we had to count beans I was counting up to 3000 something and threw everything back in the same jar and lost count like a dumbass haha . Reason why I went on this show was to challenge myself. I literally had 4 outfits and whatever u brought with u in your backpack was all you had for weeks. No cell phone no money. Can't wait to come back next year!! Thanks @mfproductionz for putting this edit together
#KimLee #amazingracevietnam #Vietnam #Asia


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