シェイリーン・ウッドリーのインスタグラム(shailenewoodley) - 5月25日 06時49分

the medias spin on this election does one thing, and one thing only: protect their corporate financial affiliations. I used to think the #news was here to INFORM us. to ENLIGHTEN us. to EDUCATE us. rather, the news is here to disenfranchise us out of individual opinion, mislead us with calculated propaganda, and implore us to conform so that we, against our conscious will, continue to support an agenda that only benefits the upper 1% of this country. #BernieSanders threatens this cycle. he speaks boldly and truthfully about real events occurring in not only our country, but in the world. he speaks with consistency (50 years of consistency in fact). he recognizes that our government in America today functions more as an oligarchy than a democracy, and has been brave enough to say it out loud. #berniesanders is a leader amongst leaders, who genuinely has the best interest of american citizens in mind. hence why, despite millions of Americans supporting #BernieSanders, our media outlets and the DNC continue to warp his message and feed lies to the public. THEY WANT US TO STAY SILENT. THEY WANT US TO STAY SUPPRESSED. but, my friends, the political revolution has begun. and suppressed no more shall we be in this country thanks to #berniesanders. WATCH THIS VIDEO (it made my morning): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdJSQuDvIhU


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