Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月23日 09時50分

This is Shakira, the super sick Tigress that could very well be another casualty from the Mexican zoo of death @yumka_anp thanks to the inept director Cristel Perez Arevalo, who's responsible for more than 200 dead Animals in 2 years, including Labai. And who's only excuse was to say that "Animals are not immortal". I talked to her yesterday and she is completely clueless, she is a complete idiot. She should quit. Shakira can barely walk, she hasn't eaten in 5 days and she is full of Scabies as you can see and all that the stupid director told me was that I didn't know the reasons why the more than 200 Animals died under her care. I told her that I didn't care about those reasons. That they are dead and that's all that matters...
Ella es Shakira, la Tigresa moribunda gracias a Cristel Perez Arevalo, directora del zoo de la muerte Mexicano @yumka_anp con mas de 200 Animales muertos en 2 años bajo su dirección. Hable con ella y se rehuso a seguir nuestras sugerencias medicas, enojándose y encaprichandose, como ven, Shakira tiene Sarna y apenas puede caminar pues no ha comido nada en mas de 5 días. Que renuncie esa estupida inepta de Cristel Perez Arevalo...
#ThinkBlue #BoycottYumKa #BeHuman #YoSoyYumka #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BJWTunity #SaveTigers #SaveOurPlanet

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