Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 5月21日 21時52分

People often ask what it feels like to be above 26,240 ft. (8,000 m) without oxygen. The best I can do is give you this's the closest I've come to capturing the visceral experience of high altitude. No, it isn't always blurry and chaotic...but the line you are riding is sooooooo thin that only the chaos of an image can approach an accurate translation. I've never been able to tell the tactile story of sounds that are too crisp, but somehow muted, time that flows like molasses but passes without notice, and cold that mutates from tingles to pain to numbness before cognition allows register. This is the best visual approximation I can offer... I don't know why I love high places, but I do. It's a masochistic love affair. It's something @adrianballinger loves as well.

As we settle in to the relative comfort of 23,000 ft. on the summit bid, both of us know that the overwhelming odds point to failure. But in the moments of chaos , there is also clarity. What I've learned? To try and fail is every bit as valuable as success so long as you push your own margin and thus gain knowledge. Upwards!

Follow the story as we climb on snapchat EverestNoFilter #liveyouradventure @エディー・バウアー #unfiltered #shotabove8000m


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