マリア・メノウノスのインスタグラム(mariamenounos) - 5月20日 13時29分

So two weeks ago I started counting my steps-realizing I hadn't been moving enough...got into a daily competition w/2 friends &its been so much freaking fun competing everyday.not only does it keep me accountable but it's made me laugh & been Such a mood booster. I highly recommend it..most phones even have step counters. Get out and move-it's fun&great for your health! Tonight i definitely hit a record...I was determined to win&when I started attacking on the treadmill I was in third place-and at least 5,000 steps behind first place. So I started my walk...sprint...walk...sprint and caught up and beat my friends. #motion=emotion(Tony Robbins) #everygirlsguidetodietandfitness #stepqueen ps check out my snapchat to see me beat everyone tonight!!! #20,785 steps to end the night!!!!

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