フェリシティ・ハフマンのインスタグラム(felicityhuffman) - 5月20日 04時30分

Love this! My favorite is Don't Be Drunk. And like all good rules about parenting, I have broken them all. I remember staying up really late making an elaborate letter from the tooth fairy, I burned the edges of the paper to make it look cool, and made up the fairy's name, "GRASINDRABELLA" written in glue and glitter. My daughter woke up with glue in her hair and glitter all over the bed, it was a nightmare. My husband suggested next time just leave a 10 dollar bill and a pack of Marlboros. #Repost @whattheflicka
10 Tips to Being a Successful Tooth Fairy:
1. Don’t Forget
2. Don’t Be Drunk
3. Don’t Set the Bar Too High
4. Think Fast
5. Don’t Keep the Bounty
6. Play Dumb
7. Keep a Stash
8. Be Stealthy
9. Buck Convention
10. Tell the Truth
By AK Turner

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