ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 5月19日 00時14分

@エイプリル・ロス & I have officially qualified for the Olympics ✨ Sheeee-Hoooo it feels so good ? We have accomplished a huge goal and now it's on to the next ? It is with clear eyes and full hearts that we charge onward. I am so proud of our team, our tribe. It's been ..... Amazing. It's been a lot! It's been truly wonderful (even the most challenging of moments) and I am eager for everything that is coming our way.
Thank you to those who help to keep us primed & ready for the journey. Thank you to those whose love and support helps to fuel our fire. Thank you, Lord, for ALL of it & for everyone. ❤️??????


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