タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 5月10日 22時24分

Let your light Shine........ Never downplay or diminish yourself for the comfortability of others...... Your playing small won't change our world...... Some people were sent here to change things..... Some people were sent to this earth to create NEW STANDARDS...... A lot of people are unknowingly so brainwashed and conditioned to low standards..... So much that even WHEN you try and SHOW them a better way they will tear you down and spit you out and ALL you're trying to do is MAKE THINGS BETTER!!!!!!!! Trust me when I tell you I'm in the Middle East not even remotely caught up in titles, money and materialistic things...... You will see one day I'm a man with a mission on my heart...... I came here to change things..... I came here to create better relations and bridge understandings between the east and west Inshallah!! You will see..... From the beginning and end I will always give The lord Jesus Christ all the glory!!!!!!!! Nothing more inspiring than making history with people who make you feel most welcome....... Thank you #Qatar thank you #MiddleEast thank you to all of my loved ones in the #UAE I love you too!!!


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