サマンサ・ドロークのインスタグラム(samanthadroke) - 5月10日 04時09分

Taking off the run way my plane was swerving back and forth. I was scared we weren't going to make it up in the air. I held on tight, closed my eyes, and prayed the whole way up. Once we reached our cruising altitude I was able to relax a little bit, but here and there we would hit turbulence and I would have to quickly clinch onto my seat handles. I was scared of the unknown. Hoping that this huge machine would get me to my destination.
I feel like sometimes when we are on the verge of becoming something, endeavors start to produce fruit, or we're on the cusp of something great, it can get a bit bumpy. Doubt starts creeping in, worry, anxiety, fear. Wondering if we will ever make the destination.
But as I was clinching and praying at the same time a peace came to mind. A full peace of rest that God is in control, not the machine. Just like God is in control of your story and your destination. Not the CEO, not your co workers, not the publisher, not the studio. You just do the work and enjoy the ride, and when it gets a bit bumpy clinch onto God even more, cause he's already taken care of the rest! #FaithInTheUnseen #Trust ??


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