テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 5月9日 00時05分

Motherhood is my single greatest joy. Today on Mothers Day I want to acknowledge how lucky I am to be a Mum. Today isn't just about Mothers, it's also to honor the many woman out there who desire to be a Mother and for one reason or another they don't get to be one or they're still on their journey to becoming one, I acknowledge you. To the women who have angel babies and have lost their children, I acknowledge you. To those who have given their children up for adoption, or are separated from them, I acknowledge you. To those who have lost their own Mothers, I acknowledge you. To those of us who still get to call our Mums and tell them we love them or hold our own children close, I acknowledge you too. I honor all of us today, with love, compassion and understanding and a big open heart. I am grateful to be a Mother, to have my Mother still here and yet I also understand the complexity of this day for so many people. Have a thoughtful and loving day today ❤️


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