ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 5月6日 09時32分

"No Matter Where You Go, There You Are." My new jersey, featuring the Banzai Institute logo from the cult classic film THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BANZAI. Thanks to a brilliant script, earnest performances and assured direction, this imaginative tale about a heroic quantum physicist/brain surgeon/rock star battling alien invaders is one of my favorite movies of all time. One of the reasons I loved it so much as a kid was because the #BanzaiInstitute was supposed to be in New Jersey. Imagine being a movie buff kid before the age of the Internet, and you're watching this wonderfully fucked up film when suddenly they tell you it's set where you live. In the mid-80's, Jersey was the butt of many a nuclear waste joke. To discover that this insanely original flick was set in the Garden State filled me with Jersey pride. Fuck all the jokes slating the state: like Edison before him, Buckaroo Banzai - the genius scientist behind the Oscillation Overthruster - set up shop in #NewJersey. And it was from Jersey that he and his Hong Kong Cavaliers would've battled Hanoi Xan and the World Crime League... if we ever got that promised sequel. (My crest designed by the #PerfectTommy of graphic designers, @jeffquigley.) #buckaroobanzai #KevinSmith #blueblazeirregulars #lectroids #yoyodynepropulsionsystems


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