Amber Fillerup Clarkのインスタグラム(amberfillerup) - 5月6日 04時31分

What today looked like. Nursing basically all day every day because she boycotted bottles again (she has only taken a bottle a handful of times) And snuggling my sick boy in our hotel room! We had a Russian doctor come to the hotel late the other night and he said he has the flu ? I think he got it from this little kid gym that I was so excited to take him to .. Those are always so fun for him but never a good idea for this reason ? kicking myself. Anyways.. Shout out to all the moms with babies attached to their boobs and sick babies ??? we got this. ps don't get me wrong I LOVE and live for breastfeeding and taking care of these babies but today was kinda draining ☺️


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