Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月30日 22時47分

I have noticed that Achilles has some trouble pulling back in certain claws, well, actually he can do it but it is like he is not sensitive enough in that area to realize that he has to pull them back in and sometimes they get stuck. I'm going to clip them to avoid him getting hurt, perhaps in 2 weeks when they grow back he has more sensitivity in the area...
He notado que Achilles a veces no regresa ciertas garritas y se queda atorado, como que le falta sensibilidad en esa zona. Se las voy a disminuir para evitar que se lastime, en unas 2 semanas que le vuelvan a crecer debe de tener más sensibilidad en esa zona...
#ThinkBlue #AchillesBJWT #SaveTigers #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #RescuedTigers #NotPets


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