フィフス・ハーモニーのインスタグラム(fifthharmony) - 4月29日 03時59分

Track six... All In My Head (Flex) Feat. @fettywap1738 • You can never have enough REGGAE in your life ! The vibe and rhythm to this I feel represents me best as a South Pacific Islander ❤️ !! this is just one of those feel-good songs that you can't help but jam to, no matter where you're at or who you're with! So imma need you to BUMP THIS ONE hella loud when you're out and about! lol The overall Melody is so memorable you'll find yourself singing it everywhere you go, ESPECIALLY with Fetty Wap's ridiculously, amazing catchy tunes! Lyrically it's FUN & FLIRTY, so don't take it serious because remember it's all in your head! wink wink ? -Dinah Jane
ps: one more thing I forgot to mention we co-wrote this song so it's extra special to us


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
