グッゲンハイム美術館のインスタグラム(guggenheim) - 4月28日 00時10分

Final day to see “Peter Fischli David Weiss: How to Work Better,” which gathers key examples from each of the Swiss artist duo’s most significant series, including films and videos, photographs, sculptures, slide shows, and installations. With deadpan wit and a playful but probing spirit, #FischliWeiss topple our perceptions of everyday reality. They use unconventional materials like rubber, unfired clay, and polyurethane to make replicas of the most mundane objects, asking us to distinguish between what is real and what is not. They ponder questions great and small, and reject the seriousness of high art but find great depth and poetry in the most amateur of gestures. Learn more at guggenheim.org/fischliweiss.

Image: Peter Fischli David Weiss, "Mick Jagger and Brian Jones Going Home Satisfied After Composing 'I can't Get No Satisfaction.'" ?@dmheald

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