ティファニー・ヨハのインスタグラム(tiffjoh) - 4月26日 00時01分

At the end of last season, my putting/stats guru @raflewski sent me an article about the "aggregation of marginal gains." It outlines a story about the new GM of the British cycling team in 2010 who thought if he could improve every aspect related to their cycling by 1%, it would add up to huge overall gains. He figured in five years time, they could improve enough to have a chance at winning the Tour de France--they ended up winning it in three.

In Hawaii, I struggled mightily in windy conditions and while my score might've shown a failure to adapt to the situation, I saw it as an experience that made me 1% better equipped to play in tough weather. That experience helped me grind through some of the toughest conditions I've ever played in this past weekend, for the first solid weekend in a long time.

I'm constantly in awe of this stupid, amazing game that teaches me to look at life's speed bumps as mini speed ramps for something later, and to strive for persistent improvement, however small it may be.
And I don't know. Skittles.


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