Arat hosseiniのインスタグラム(arat.gym) - 4月25日 17時52分

Arat has to train for longer compared to people who have access to proper equipment since we use whatever we can find in the house for training. As of today, Arat will be spending about 2 hours daily on training at home, 4 hours of playing with his friends in the park and the rest of the day on visiting family and friends and obviously sleeping. I believe we can soon achieve championship in toddler/kids division. You are our sponsors. Reading your comments motivates us so please keep supporting us and encourage Arat to be the beat he can be. Thank you.🙏🏼💞
Translated by: @soheilmb
چون ما با وسيله هايي كه در منزلمان وجود دارد تمرين ميكنيم ، بنابر اين مجبوريم مدت زمان تمرين را بالا ببريم . دو ساعت تمرين ، از امروز . چهار ساعت بازي در پارك و بچه ها ، و بفيه يا خواب يا ديد و بازديد از آشناها . ما ميتوانيم خيلي زود به مقام قهرماني در نونهالان دست پيدا كنيم . اسپانسر ما شما هستيد فقط با خواندن كامنتهاي شما انگيزه و روحيه ميگيريم ، پس لطفا به آرات روحيه و انگيزه بديد . ممنونيم 💞🙏
#baby #aratgym #gymnastics #fitness #parkour #boxing #yoga #football #volleyball #❤️ #handstand #happy #boy #persian #2years


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