サム・クラフリンのインスタグラム(mrsamclaflin) - 4月24日 16時13分

the real game (without the thrones)

In honour of us nearing ever closer to the beginning of the new series of #gameofthrones... One second, FANGIRL MOMENT... I have a little anecdote to share from the set of #MeBeforeYou.
So, it's practically day one, and Clarke received a new doll of her much loved character the Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen. I mean look at it. Cute.
In misplacing said doll, Emilia decided to blame me? All I knew was, to the crew, I looked like a thief. And then later of course she only went and found it on the floor of her dressing room (though she kept that quiet). Devastated that I'd perhaps been perceived as a dollnapper I left work that day still pleading my innocence.
In the car home I received a text from Clarke telling me to check my bag... Surely she hadn't? She had. She'd slipped the doll into my bag. She framed me. War had started.



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