カーステン・ヴァングスネスのインスタグラム(kirstenvangsness) - 4月22日 15時09分

Can think of nothing more full of yes than seeing this magic inspired show full of such creatives making the world better tonight of all the nights. At curtain call the cast of @hamiltonmusical sang "Let's Go Crazy" and I cried that ugly cry that happens when loved so hard that it hurts that bad and you are so grateful for art. I'm so sorry for all of our loss and so happy that humans make beautiful stuff out of pain, like Hamilton, like rain that is purple. I hope it's still happening on the flip side somewhere but on the side I am currently existing on, I am so appreciate I witnessed on stage genius in so many ways on a day when a genius has left our plane. Keep on keeping on.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



