エリック・レヴァのインスタグラム(ericleva) - 4月19日 05時33分

something to consider: health is perhaps the greatest gift of all and it can be f r e e. we are what we eat, maybe even what we tweet, what we think of others, what we think of ourselves, etc... so my friends: be aware of the caricature of yourself that you create in your mind... that person may just come to life whether you hope it does or doesn't.. in other words, if you think you are not capable of being a certain way or doing a certain thing, you are right. took me a long time to realize this in my teenage years before i grew into my passion for proving people wrong and setting out to ⚡️kill the game ⚡️in the general. now i am sensitive to my inner dialogue and i truly believe most things are possible... but it has to start with you you you...


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