タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 4月15日 08時28分

We've been working out assess off to address and try and put a STOP to bullying ..... Because of Trump specifically...... Hatred and race relations and friction amongst Americans and other countries are back at an all time high..... Kids are being bullied at schools and called the "N" word..... Latino's are being bullied with kids saying "Where are about to send you wetbacks back to Mexico".... Muslims are being attacked from wearing their traditional wear...... This is NOT how you make American great again Donald Dick!!!!! You're using your stage of influence and power to perpetuate HATE and racism and bullying amongst our children.... I'm going to speak OUT against you and trust me I don't hide behind social media I can't wait to see you so I can tell you to your face... We have all lost respect for you and everything you stand for....:::: He must be stopped..... This is not a game....


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