YingTzeのインスタグラム(yingtze) - 4月14日 16時43分

So when I got home yesterday night , I hear leaking water sound. So then I saw my pantry is leaking water from the wall. Went down to complain to the guard and he said other units are complaining too. They can't do anything unless I lodge a complain to the management office. I woke up at 9 am to go to the management office and the handy man came to check. He asks me many weird questions like where am I from and how long I've been staying here lol. And his feet when he took off his socks smells like rotten seafood. I almost fainted....Then confirmed that the leak is not from my unit but from upper levels. Check from 11 am till now water still leaking. 😤 I gotta be patient and do my work instead hahhahahahaha 🙏🏻 ohmmmmmmmmm #Blessed #newhome


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




