Catharine Mi-Sookのインスタグラム(catharinemisook) - 4月12日 13時47分

Change update: @Catharine Mi-Sook (bye bye @misosoupland)
First, my apologies if this throws anyone off for a little while. Second, my nickname is forever Miso. Third, I've been thinking about making this name change jump for awhile now and after mulling it over with a most trusted friend who also has a good sense for these things, I decided to just go for it. When I began "misosoupland" I had no idea that anyone would take interest in my drawings, doodlings and meanderings. And I had no idea that people would keep coming back let alone follow this account. To say that I'm truly humbled and honored is an understatement. You all brighten each day and add beauty to it. Thank you so much for that, and for gifting me with your precious time to look at my photos, to read my thoughts shared and leaving the kindest comments. I'm so very lucky. So that said, I just felt it was time to simplify and just post as me, @Catharine Mi-Sook (and still Miso to my friends). ?


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