デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月11日 05時18分

I remove elements that disrupt the flow of positive energy in my life. I take no shit from anyone, I'm assertive to a fault because I'm willing to drop a hammer on a weakling knowing that moment might be a turning point in their life as well. I can say this because that weight fell on me too but now I am grateful for it. I observe and adopt behaviors that allow me to expand my thinking and grow through pain, love and loss.
Don't let anyone make you wait. People who do that are craving any kind of control in their own lives and making you wait for them gives them some small drop of power. Real friends come through - simple. So fuck anyone that tells you one thing and does another. That shit don't change.
Do good things for people without expecting a return. Life is a pendulum so when you put good out there it swings back. You waiting for something without expelling? You will lose.
I got to where I am because I took the best parts of myself and sharpened the senses and I took the worst parts and determined how and why I resort to those insecurities. I'm flawed and that's okay because I know my right hand might dip from time to time but my left is a lightning bolt. I don't have time for shitty people with shitty opinions when they can't make their own.
Start now.
Start being the person you want in your life.

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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