タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 4月10日 22時56分

I looked at her..... she looked back over her shoulders.... She smiled and I smiled back.......... Then she disappeared..... Somehow got ahold of my number... Called.... We made plans........ Her lips were soft...: her voice was pleasant.... It felt like it was a 7 hour dinner cause we were swapping mentally stimulating stories...... She said I just met you and you're scaring me cause I'm falling... I said it's ok to feel.... Allow yourself to feel... She said no... I do better NOT feeling cause my feelings always get hurt.... I said it's ok...: how about you NOT feel and let's just live in every moment.... She said ok... I said let's stay away from plans.... She said what do you mean...? I said I means let's stay away from tittles and plans and let's really try and live IN every moment.... She said ok.... We're 3 moments in........ And nothing has been defined....... One things for sure..... The curiosity comes with fire.....:. And I'm curious.....::.. www.TheBlackBookMovie.com go there now!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Mercedes-Benz USAのインスタグラム
Mercedes-Benz USAさんがフォロー
