ジェナ・ジェイムソンのインスタグラム(jennacantlose) - 4月10日 00時42分

Thank you for all your happy birthday wishes! I can't believe I'm 42 today. In my mind I feel sixty... Because of all the trials and tribulations I've gone through. But, to be quite frank, this year I feel reborn. Getting sober is like looking at the world in a whole new light, I'm experiencing things that before I would have taken for granted. Today I am grateful and settled. I have a new lease on life, surrounded by family and true friends. There is only one piece left to add to complete this puzzle... Well, actually two. Monday I have court to finally and hopefully have my children in my arms again. I have tears streaming down my face as I write, this, but they aren't years of sadness, they are tears of happiness and excitement for what is yet to come. -Jenna


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