プリシラ・チャンのインスタグラム(priscillachanwaihan) - 4月8日 00時47分

Astronomy is amazing! My second favorite subject other than psychology!? Repost from @theinvisiblemen @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost Discovery of a supermassive black hole in a medium-sized galaxy. The humongous hole is believed to have 17 billion times our Sun’s mass, being only a little smaller than the largest black hole known to man that weights about 21 billion masses of the Sun.
The newly-discovered black hole is located in the center of the NGC 1600 galaxy, which is about two hundred million light-years away from our planet in the Eridanus constellation. #mesmerizing #humanarepotatoes #takeiteasy #youarenotthatimportant


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