ブロディ・ジェンナーのインスタグラム(brodyjenner) - 4月5日 08時45分

This is a photo I took about 5 years ago of a Mountain Lion who is native to the Santa Monica mountains. The mountain Lion came down early in the morning while hunting and my friend's dogs (big dogs) scared it up into a tree right as the sun was coming up. He called me at about 630 in the morning and told me what had happened and I was in disbelief as I have lived and hiked all over the Santa Monica mountains for 27 years and have never seen one. This Lion had no collar (which is very rare considering animal control tranquilizes and tags all wild mountain lions they know about and find) and I had no intention of having one put on this beautiful/majestic animal. The Lion stayed in the trees all day for me and a select few friends of mine, who appreciate and respect wildlife as much as I do, to observe. As soon as the sun went down everybody came inside and within 10 minutes we put a flashlight where it had been and it was gone never to be seen again. I often think about this mountain lion and hope to see it again one day. These animals are so smart and I truly believe it appreciated that we did not call animal control on him/her to be tranquilized and tagged. #respectyourlocalwildlife check the size of that paw! #brodys5D


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