タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 4月2日 01時36分

Listen to me great people of focus and determination - I have some very sad and yet revealing news...... God is preparing YOUR TABLE..... Where God has destined YOU to be and go... You won't be able to go there with everyone you showed up with...... This is the season of killing DEAD WEIGHT!!!! These people will reveal themselves to you.... There's an expiration date on loyalty - when you cut OFF these people it's not always because they did you dirty, or did you wrong.... It's the season of shedding dead weight.... You will have take this journey alone.... You will have to get out of your comfort zone.... Get away from familiarity.... Your soul will be put to the test and this will later become your "testimony"..... If you don't change the the things around YOU.... Nothing around YOU will change... That's the word I'm giving you today..... Amen!!! Never let anyone make you feel bad about being so blessed especially after YOU DO THE WORK!!!!!!


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