Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月31日 03時25分

Do you remember that Lioness that we rescued from Yucatan that was in a terrible shape? The one that looked terrible inside a truck and that later on didn't let go of my shoe during a Facebook Live transmission? Look how gorgeous and strong she is now. She lives with Beverly, Bradshaw, Matilda and Bedrock. On the first part of this post, you'll see how we found her, on the second part, how she looks now. Her nickname was Merida, just for ID reasons, but I don't like it, and her name hasn't dawned on me yet...
Se acuerdan de la Leoncita que rescatamos de Yucatán? Vean la diferencia de la primer parte de este post a la segunda. Ella vive con Beverly, Bradshaw, Matilda y Bedrock. Y aunque para identificarla su nombre temporal es Mérida, estoy esperando a que me llegue su verdadero nombre...
#MeridaBJWT #SaveLions #SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #NotPets #NOSONMASCOTAS #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BeverlysPrideBJWT


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