メリッサ・フランクリンのインスタグラム(missyfranklin88) - 3月29日 08時56分

Sooo my super exciting news is that I am an incredibly proud new partner of @gopro. It is been such an amazing journey already with this company and such a joy to work with the even more amazing people that are a part of it. I'm also so excited to announce that together we have been working for the past several months to capture footage that will come together in a two part series called "Finding Missy." My fans and supporters mean the world to me, and in this series I'm really hoping to give you all a closer look at who I am, what my days look like every day, and just a behind the scenes and up close peek at this incredibly journey I'm on and the wonderful people apart of it. I can't WAIT for you all to see it! If you want to see the full trailer head on over to my Facebook fan page! #GoPro #FindingMissy


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




